
The Main Reasons Why People Hate Introverted Black Women

Do not let anyone gaslight you about the hatred spewed towards introverted Black women and girls. The hatred is real. However, I do not think simply tweeting “Society hates introverted Black women!” is a productive conversation. It is more beneficial to explain why introverted Black women are disliked than to keep repeating the same talking point over and over again. Below, I have listed the three main reasons why I think people detest introverted Black women. 1. Introverted Black women do not match the stereotypical image people hold of Black women.  In the media, Black women are portrayed as extroverts, more specifically, extroverts who love being sassy, loud, and bold. Where does that leave reserved introverted Black women? Well, it leaves us ostracized. Introverted Black women force people to reassess the misogynoiristic views they hold about Black women. Our introversion causes frustration among ignorant individuals because it makes them recognize our humanity, and that is not som

Black Women Do Not Owe Palestinians Anything

Examples of What Black Women Should Be Doing Instead of Protesting for Palestine Before I start, let me make one thing clear, I do not give a damn about Palestine. A conflict that has been going on in the Middle East for almost 100 years is not something that I, as a Black woman, should be losing my precious sleep over. The Middle East will never know peace because Middle Easterners do not want peace. It is as simple as that. Furthermore, it is time for Black women to return the entitled energy people throw our way right back at them. The days of being the bigger person are over. Put down your capes, close your TikTok and Twitter apps, and go outside and smell the beautiful roses.  During vice president Kamala Harris’s recent presidential rally in Michigan, pro-Palestine protestors decided to interrupt Harris’ speech with chants. Let’s be honest, If Kamala Harris was not currently being portrayed as a Black woman in the media, these protestors would have never interrupted her rally. Ev

Stop Allowing Black Women's Representation to be Destroyed

  The Beauty of Black Female Representation in the 90's Last month, Black women on Twitter had their monthly useless discourse about the overrepresentation of South Sudanese models in the high fashion industry. The obsession with this specific topic is comical to me, because it shows, clear as day, the level of delusion many Black women seem to have about their image. Do Black women actually believe the average nonBlack person is thinking of a high fashion Sudanese model when asked to describe the everyday Black woman? Seriously? Really? The main images of Black women currently being exported to white, Asian, and Latino communities are hypersexual twerking female rappers who resemble drag queens in terms of personal styling and makeup choices, far-left Black female politicians who pass laws that allow violent criminals to freely roam the streets, unruly Black women who insist on not learning how to control their emotions and get into physical fights in public, and obnoxious unattra

It's Time for Black Women to Admit They Hate Their Natural Hair

I have been wearing my natural hair for most of my childhood, but when I was 10-years-old, and entering into middle school, my mother decided to take me to the hair salon for a relaxer. She did not know how to do my hair and wanted me to feel comfortable amongst my peers. I hated relaxers, despised them actually. From ages 10-12, I got relaxers on a consistent basis even though they burned my scalp, because I had fine hair (genetically thin hair strands). I grew up in an area where white men would fly confederate flags off the back of their trucks and where some of the subdivisions had the word plantation in the name. I am telling you this background information so you can gain a general understanding as to why my mother was giving me relaxers. At 13, my friend was spending the night at my house and was telling me about her decision to go natural. This was back in 2013 when the natural hair community was just beginning to form online. She showed me youtube videos of women with beautifu

Bisexual Men are Not Entitled to Black Women's Bodies

I want Black women to stop apologizing for having preferences when it comes to dating. Black women must stop caring about being viewed as racist or bigoted for who they choose to engage with romantically or sexually. We are the ones with the highest rates of domestic violence after all. We have a right to protect ourselves from harm. It’s called self preservation, and we have been guilt tripped out of practicing it by many different demographics. Never feel bad for only wanting to date the white man with three rental properties or the tall tech guy with a lot of money in the bank, especially not when several groups of men have made it very clear that they will not date a Black woman, not because they personally have had bad experiences with one, but because they hold personal bigoted beliefs about Black women due to consuming negative stereotypes about Black women in American media or have let society at large convince them out of a potentially positive and successful relationship. The

"No Good Deed Goes Unpunished": Ryna Workman and the Consequences of Black Women's Muling

A mule, known for carrying the load of others for their entire lives. Many Black women complain about being seen as the “mules of the world” yet continue to fulfill that role by speaking on political conflicts that do not involve nor affect the daily lives of Black women, defending demographics that are ruthless towards us, and refusing to put themselves and their womanhood first. The Israel v. Palestine conflict has been occurring for almost 70 years. Many people have died. Many people have been hurt. While it is okay to have empathy for others, when you are the least protected demographic on the globe, perhaps staying silent on polarizing conflicts is your best option . There is not much I can say when it comes to Middle Eastern conflicts, but I do want to point out that when Hamas kidnapped several Jewish women, Israel wasted no time retaliating. Jewish men let it be known that they will always protect and stand behind their fellow Jewish women. I admire that immensely. This is com