Black Women Do Not Owe Palestinians Anything

Examples of What Black Women Should Be Doing Instead of Protesting for Palestine

Before I start, let me make one thing clear, I do not give a damn about Palestine. A conflict that has been going on in the Middle East for almost 100 years is not something that I, as a Black woman, should be losing my precious sleep over. The Middle East will never know peace because Middle Easterners do not want peace. It is as simple as that. Furthermore, it is time for Black women to return the entitled energy people throw our way right back at them. The days of being the bigger person are over. Put down your capes, close your TikTok and Twitter apps, and go outside and smell the beautiful roses. 

During vice president Kamala Harris’s recent presidential rally in Michigan, pro-Palestine protestors decided to interrupt Harris’ speech with chants. Let’s be honest, If Kamala Harris was not currently being portrayed as a Black woman in the media, these protestors would have never interrupted her rally. Everybody thinks that Black women are supposed to be the sacrificial mules that help society progress. Palestine supporters did not interrupt Joe Biden’s rallies. They did not interrupt Trump’s rallies. They did not even interrupt Obama’s rallies. They specifically picked Kamala Harris’s rally to interrupt because they think a Black woman should be the one to solve a Middle Eastern conflict that is older than both you and I. All over TikTok, Arabs are demanding that Black women refrain from voting in the upcoming 2024 presidential election, but these same Arabs have yet to explain how they will help Black women navigate life if Trump wins this election. There is no talk of making sure Black neighborhoods remain protected or Black businesses remain thriving. There is no talk of helping Black women through the loss of their female reproductive rights. There is no talk of protecting Black women from their abusive partners. The idea here seems to be that Black women should show solidarity by suffering alongside Palestinians through another Trump presidency. These pro-Palestine protestors want Black women to be their sacrificial mules for absolutely nothing in return. That is not a fair deal. The implication that Black women should be the ones to sacrifice their lives on behalf of others is manipulative and narcissistic. 

Liberal Black women have decided to latch onto the Israel/Palestine conflict for the same reason they latch onto transgender issues: to get a pat on the back from their nonBlack liberal cohorts. Let me show you what attempting to be morally superior has cost these liberal Black women. Ryna Workman, a gender confused lady that refers to herself as nonbinary, decided to mule for Arabs right before graduating from NYU School of Law with a high paying big law job that would have given her a salary of $300,000 per year. What was her reward? She was immediately terminated from her job that was waiting for her as soon as she got her diploma and blacklisted from all high paying NYC law firms. I have already written about Miss Workman in detail here: ("No Good Deed Goes Unpunished": Ryna Workman and the Consequences of Black Women's Muling), so I won’t go into too much detail about her full story, but what kills me the most about Ryna is the fact that she gained nothing from muling for Palestine. Her GoFundMe from October of 2023 still sits at around $5,300. Her goal was to reach a mere $10,000 so she could support herself through unemployment, but the Arabs she was muling for could not even give her that. Ryna Workman will never get another chance at working in big law ever again. She will now struggle to pay off her (probably six-figure) student loan debt while the Arabs that she expected to get pats on the back from will continue to ignore her existence at their high paying jobs. These are the fruits liberal Black women win from all of their labor. 

I also want to point out the hypocrisy of Arab men, who upon migrating to the western world, exclusively start chasing after blonde haired, blue eyed white women. Yet not a single blonde haired, blue eyed white female celebrity has been harassed into donating to Palestinian causes. Instead, Arab men have taken it upon themselves to try and guilt trip Beyoncรฉ into being their Palestinian mule. Beyoncรฉ would not even be able to walk around Palestine without being assumed to be a prostitute or called a slave, but Arab men think it is appropriate to harass her into caring for a country she will never travel to. This is a common theme with men of all races. Despite not marrying Black women, the entitlement they feel to our bodies and labor remains present within their minds. Yet when it comes to romantic prospects, Black women are suddenly invisible to them again. Do you peep this jig for what it is, Black women? Men allow white, Asian, and Latina women to be apolitical and selfish, but demand that Black women tackle their issues for them. Arab men are perfectly fine with sharing their wealth with pro-Israel white women while simultaneously shaming Black women into caring about a country that hosts terrorists that want the United States destroyed. These same men will then turn around and call you “too masculine to date” when they succeed in guilt tripping you into doing their dirty work. Put your Palestine posters down and take #FreePalestine out of your twitter and tiktok bios please. Do not fall for the shaming tactics from Arab leftists. 

Black women do not owe Palestinians or Palestine a damn thing. Not a retweet. Not a donation. Not a protest. Not a prayer. Black women are not obligated to care about countries halfway across the world that contribute nothing positive to their daily lives. We are not required to forefeit our vote in the upcoming 2024 presidential election just because Palestinians have decided to blame a Biracial woman for the cause of all their countries’ problems. Especially not when immigrants from said country come to America and immediately start voting for policies that negatively impact the livelihoods of Black women. It is imperative that Black women stop feeling guilty about being selfish and prioritizing peace over being a social justice activist. Every other group on this planet, including Black men, are selfish as hell. When they make decisions, they do not care if these choices put Black women’s lives at risk. As the 2024 presidential election nears closer, many individuals are going to try and get Black women to mule for their political causes. Conservative white men want Black women to be the face of anti-immigration. Liberals want to make Black women the face of abortion. Black men want to make Black women the face of all things wrong within the Black community. Trans people want to make Black women the face of transphobia. I need Black women to ignore them all. Go book an appointment at your local spa, plan a trip to the beach, or take a day off from work and go to the mall. Let all of these demographics fight their own battles this time around. If they don’t succeed, oh well. The world will keep on spinning. The only issues I want Black women to care about are the ones that affect Black women specifically. If the topic is not about Black femicide, maternal mortality, positive Black female imagery, or discussing ways Black women can gain access to more money, it is not Black women’s concern. Whether Palestine deserves to be freed should be irrelevant to Black women, because it is not our job to free them in the first place. Free yourselves from thinking you are the world’s mule. 


  1. And the government doesn’t owe you lazy welfare queens anything either

    1. Good luck with freeing that Palestine of yours. :)

    2. i’m a black woman as well and i feel the exact same way! we got our own shit goin on, oh well! but you ate and left not a crumb on the damn plate

    3. So happy I came across this blog! I agree! I stand with who stands with me. Palestine is NONE OF MY BLACK BUSINESS

    4. Aw, somebody’s feelings are hurt lol. Remember, stay hydrated and steer clear of any rockets, babe lol.

      “Welfare queens” how typical๐Ÿ˜‚. Statistically speaking, White people are on more welfare, but they have Black women as the face of it.

    5. Ahhh you mad asf ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿซต๐Ÿพ‼️

  2. 100! I’ve had a terrible year with all those rich kid protestors harassing ME for money, when I’m working to secure a high socioeconomic status and to move to a safer neighborhood. I’m trying to get secure before Trump (I think he’ll win this round) and avoid the worst of the Project 2025. Most protestors are just bored kids who love having the freedom and permission to harass people, especially black women.

    1. The Lancet reported that the casualty figures Palestine surpass 100,000 but somehow its black women in the US thousands of miles removed from the conflict that suffer the most

    2. Didn’t they just multiply what the most commonly stated casualty figures are by like 5x in order to hypothetically estimate for “indirect” deaths like famine? I think even the authors said on X to not use their paper to say over 100,000 Palestinians have actually died in this conflict.

  3. Spot on, once again. These demographics wouldn’t dare to harass other races for being imperfect allies like they do Black women specifically. I don’t owe a Palestinian jack. Not when they were enslaving and r-ping Black African women less than 100 years ago. Nope.

  4. I just came here to say that I like how the comments look like writing on paper.Very fancy and cute

  5. I can see the white man's divide and conquer strategy is still alive and well...

    1. Because only whites can disagree with people? God forbid I hate being treated like this by the arabs

  6. So you’re a fascist?? Bet.

    1. This is what liberal identity politics/representation gets us. American black women can spew out Nazi talking points too :))))

    2. Nazi talking points for a minority to want to look out for thier own rights? You are dumb ass and a racist one at that. We as black folks are not your damn slaves anymore. Accept that.

  7. You speak for yourself, you mindless, racist narcissist.

    1. I am speaking for myself. Hence why this post is on my personal blog that I use to post my personal opinions. Have a great day!

  8. Read June Jordan!

    " I was born a Black woman
    and now
    I am become a Palestinian
    against the relentless laughter of evil
    there is less and less living room
    and where are my loved ones?

    It is time to make our way home."

    1. I was born American and will die American. Therefore, I put American interests FIRST.

    2. "American interests FIRST"

      so, trump?

      Defund Israel?

      Democrat party?

  9. More black folx and brown bodies are murdered EVERY DAY by wypipo in one block in Chicago than the whole of the Middle East. This is a FACT and if you disagree you need to check your cis-honky privelege.


  11. This is perhaps the dumbest thing I have ever read. What a deeply shameful thing to write.

  12. "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere --- UNLESS IT INCONVENIENCES ME PERSONALLY!"

    1. If you’d rather force yourself (thus putting you and your peoples lives in danger) into racist spaces (and these were violent White racists) just to integrated and get them to see your humanity (I.e wanting acceptance from racists like dogs worshipping their humans), then that’s a clear sign of just how really much you prop those racists up on a pedestal in your head. The women were much smarter and even pointed this simple fact out numerous times, but were told not “to question the Black man”.

      Such a weak and pathetic thing to do. This world is survival of the fittest, and the niceties of forced pseudo-moralistic “kindness” is a rather recent concept. Only the strong will survival, be it groups or individuals who branch off (in this case: divestors). Black women have never gained any true respect despite marching like fools for other groups of people who would rather tell us that we’re “strong” to handle our own obvious problems (femicide, sexual assault, domestic violence, molestation, etc at astronomical rates in America) and that they are “supporting us *from a distance*. Yeah, we’re done with helping/supporting everyone. Divestors aren’t doing a damn thing for anyone, and that’s absolutely perfect. People can help themselves just fine.

  13. This is so funny. Thank you for making my day. There is one black woman in my neighborhood and my one interaction with her was seeing her screaming at her daughter for leaving her phone in the car. I feel grateful every day because I was born into a situation where I will never have to interact with you people personally

    1. So why do you care who we support? Why are you on this page? You hate black women and black women don't wanna support y'all? So what?

    2. I swear these jokes tell themselves. You hate Black women and yet you care so much that you had to search (or were viewing content or spaces that lead to the possible viewing of this page) for this blog? Not many blogs by Black women that contain this perception are available given the simple fact that most Black women today are foolishly concerned with mulling for everyone. The social justice warrior Black women out number non-social justice warrior (or simply non-liberal) Black women like 100 to 1 (most likely even more). I wonder what your algorithm looks like, hmmm…

      And then you used an example of a mother yelling at her daughter for leaving her phone in the car to justify your dislike of us๐Ÿ˜‚.

      To the Black ladies who are reading this: This retard is a pure example of how people will hate you and use you while smiling in your face. Keep in mind, this is how majority of them will be/react when they see you aren’t a muling “sista soulja”, and so they cannot manipulate you. All it took for this person was 1 Black woman’s blog not being on board with muling to label ALL of us a women to not interact with. How pathetically emotional.

      Other than that ladies, stay healthy, keep your heads up, and stay divested๐Ÿ

  14. Shitlibs can't defend Israel at all at this point, so time to try the old identity politics wedge as usual to sow division. Tiring predictable.

    1. I am not a liberal. I lean more socially conservative but economically centrist.

  15. This has to be satire. It cannot be real.

  16. Jesus Christ. If only you weren't dropped so many times as a child.

    1. Is this gonna make black women support you?

  17. The Black community and Palestinians have been in solidarity with each others struggles for many years. It’s not about keeping score it’s about understanding that the same systems that harm and dehumanize Black people are also mass slaughtering Palestinians. The same police that murder Black people train in Israel and use the same tactics the IOF uses to harm Palestinians. Our oppressions are intertwined.

    1. Insecure and attention starved black liberals pander to antiblack communities in hopes of them accepting them and loving them. Our causes are not intertwined with Arabs. Black women's issues have nothing to do with Arab women and any race. Leave us alone

  18. You’re 100% right and you shouldn’t allow these leftists to intimidate you into silence. I will never have solidarity with Arabs.

    1. We won’t let those losers bully us into silence like they did with the European left

    2. See what they’ve done to the self-hating Europeans in their own European countries? They’re afraid to speak up about the illegals and their incompatible cultures with that of Western societies’ cultures and how the men (Muslim men) have formed literal rape-gangs. Their once visually beautiful cities have gone to shit. But believe me when I say this: The racially Europeans in their own countries are fed up. There’s a silent majority, but their silencing is lessening. They’re going to start cleaning up and throwing out the trash (through politics and deportation).

      To the Black ladies who actually understand all of this: Please don’t ever feel bad for rightfully practicing self-preservation. People have to be selfish to demand the energy of the drained who foolishly give out of their own cups that are empty and are parched. What we are doing is in our human nature, so don’t ever feel bad for wishing to persevere yourselves. Prepare because no matter who our president will be, it’s going to get messy. If you can, get armed and do proper training. I hate liberals, but the conservatives are also on some shit. Personally, I’m politically independent, but I tend to lean conservative, but not this shit you’re seeing with extreme conservatives. Harris isn’t going to protect our borders (particularly that of the southern border) and Trump will attack our reproductive rights. All I want is someone who will clean up all of the Left’s mess while still caring about our reproductive rights, keep our military strong, and keep out people whose cultures are not compatible with our American (thus Westerner) culture. Honestly, I’m all for closed borders so we can lessen other countries’ mess bleeding into ours so easily.

  19. Based Black Woman, you ate this sister. ๐Ÿ–ค

  20. Seeing the racism of Arabs and the pro-pali movement in the comment section is funny in. how it proves the article's point in how there is nothing to gain from that shit. Good on this author, cus these people expect to African American's to allow themselves to be called slurs and lose rights while offering nothing. Let them solve their own shit

  21. This article is pretty based. Personally, I disagree that they are only interrupting her because she's black, and they did actually interrupt Biden more than a few times, but seeing some of these Pro-Palestinians go mask off in the comment section calling black women 'welfare queens' or saying 'they're glad they never have to interact with YOU PEOPLE' is really telling, as if their rampant anti-semitism wasn't apparent already even when they try to disguise it by replacing 'jew' with 'zionist'.

    Good read, I enjoyed it

  22. We should not do the right thing because it’s owed; we do it because it’s right.

  23. I love how also during this whole discourse people pretend like all the anti blackness concerns are only coming from Americans. Actually, as Africans and Caribbean’s and other people who have been to close proximity with Arabs, we know for a fact how racist they are

  24. You don't have to support Palestine, but you should recognize that the international jew is responsible for this mess that we're in.

  25. You’re truly evil

  26. Its not a surprise you have this mentality because I haven’t heard your stance on Congo or Sudan that are also Black/African Nations going through genocide by the same institutions that murder African Americans on a daily basis. Like that person said earlier whats going on in Palestine and to the Black communities in the US are all by the same evil forces. Knowing that your tax dollars are going toward these countless genocides and wars across the globe should give you and other Black folks a reason to care. Using protesters crashing Kamal Harris a woman who by the way is still running as a VP and sending billions to the disgraced Zionist state is a terrible example. You claim just cause she’s Black they decided to interrupt. I’m confused because not to long ago Kamala identified as an Indian woman she’s not for us Black folks and will never care for us. Screw this “tHiS iS nOt oUr fIgHT” mentality because as Black Americans we have to care.

    1. Black and African are different. Black is an ethnicity that describes ADOS people, our history, and culture. We are not African (yes, we are African descent, but given our history and depending on one’s bloodlines, we are known to be of multi-racial ancestry as well. We are not the same, pal). I don’t give a single shit about Africa because I have no direct ties to it other than certain things being quite evident in Black American (ADOS) culture (which has many sub cultures such as creoles, who can be mixed or damn near 100% Black people of African descent, the Gullah Geechee people, and various other Creoles all over the US). Not my problem. I’m an American, and so I care about my country first, especially given the tight spot Black women are in as a result of Black men’s savagery and overall laziness.

      I don’t give a single shit about Congo or Sudan, nor do give a damn about Palestine AND Israel.

  27. Love it๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

  28. I agree. People expect the world out of BW but are no where to be found when we're being mocked, abused, KILLED, etc. Good luck to those people tho.

  29. The reason why Muslim men are the most disrespectful --- is because they have always taken black slaves and used black women ask sex slaves. Thats why the middle easterners are 5-20 percent african through their maternal ancestry

    1. Learn about Islam and see what Muslims are really about behind those fake smiles. I recommend watching Tree of Logic’s video on Muslims (which is on YouTube) and what they do in Western nations. Do NOT think the women are innocent “allies” in politics, especially when they pander to stupid modern feminists who think they’ve found friends. Islam is so disgusting. When I was searching for religion at a dark point in my life, the quickest religion I did a complete U-turn from was Islam.

    2. Here’s a link to the video I mentioned (the channel is called “Tree of Life”):

    3. To give an example of the process of Muslims attempting to conquer Western nations as explained in that very important video: Take a look at Europe, particularly of countries where the natives (Europeans, the race) are weak and scared to speak up about the terror Muslims (especially the men, but the women are NOT innocent, especially when they engage in politics and try to deceive Western women into believing that Islam is feminist, respects women, and that the hijab is “not oppressive” keep in mind many young prepubescent girls have to wear the covering/full body covering because apparently they’ll tempt men. The “prophet Muhammad” married a 6 year old little girl and “consummated” the marriage when she was only 9 years old) commit against European women. Especially the blonde ones. Those Muslim men form rape-gangs and it is well known. These are Arab Muslim men and racially African men who are Muslim from places like Sudan, Congo, Nigeria, etc.

      This is why I can’t stand people who insist on being kind 24/7. Enemies will take advantage of that when people decide to hold their tongues because they don’t want to “offend” people. Eventually, they’ll take advantage of you. That’s why I prefer more outspoken and “controversial” people because they tell it like it is and don’t sugarcoat the clear reality of things.

  30. Keep up the good work! I absolutely love your blog and channel. It’s amazing๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ


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