Bisexual Men are Not Entitled to Black Women's Bodies

I want Black women to stop apologizing for having preferences when it comes to dating. Black women must stop caring about being viewed as racist or bigoted for who they choose to engage with romantically or sexually. We are the ones with the highest rates of domestic violence after all. We have a right to protect ourselves from harm. It’s called self preservation, and we have been guilt tripped out of practicing it by many different demographics. Never feel bad for only wanting to date the white man with three rental properties or the tall tech guy with a lot of money in the bank, especially not when several groups of men have made it very clear that they will not date a Black woman, not because they personally have had bad experiences with one, but because they hold personal bigoted beliefs about Black women due to consuming negative stereotypes about Black women in American media or have let society at large convince them out of a potentially positive and successful relationship. There is no need to feel guilty for refusing to date poor men who cannot provide you with the life you want, nonBlack men who are are not white but are obsessed with worshiping whiteness, or Black men who refuse to treat you like the princess that you are solely and only because of your skin tone or hair texture. Short men, Indian men, disabled men, Latino men, queer men, East Asian men, average men, Black men be damned! Black women do not owe any race of man an ounce of sympathy. Stop apologizing for your preferences when incels, right wingers, leftists, and redpillers alike believe we do not deserve access to good quality men because we do not have pale skin. However, what I really need Black women to stop doing, is to stop letting liberals convince them they are uniquely bigoted in their beliefs against dating bisexual men.

Let’s make one thing clear, liberals do not respect Black women nor do they respect our bodies. They would never ask an East Asian woman, white woman, or Latina woman to date a bisexual man. This is a suggestion that they only reserve for Black women, because despite claiming to disagree with racist redpillers or incels, deep down, liberals do not believe Black women have any dating options and would desperately settle for men in the bisexual community. Liberals actually respect nonBlack women and would never ask them to engage with a group that is extremely high-risk for serious STDs such as HIV. Here’s the crazy thing, not only do liberals not respect Black women, they see our bodies as public property that can be used as tools to advance whichever agenda they have going on at the moment. The current agenda is getting the public to accept male sexual degeneracy. When liberals ask Black women to entertain bisexual men, despite this demographic being the literal cause of (heterosexual) Black women’s abnormally high HIV rates, they are letting us as Black women know that they do not respect us. They do not respect our bodies, our health, or our womanhood.  Despite Black women being one of the least promiscuous demographics in terms of casual hookups, our HIV diagnoses are through the roof due to the fact that many Black women solely date Black men, and I am not going to sugarcoat this, it is Black men giving Black women HIV. Here are some important facts I think Black women should know when it comes to HIV within the Black community:

“BLACK MEN accounted for three-quarters (3/4) of new HIV infections among all Black people in the United States in 2019.”

“Additionally a recent CDC study, found that BLACK TRANSGENDER WOMEN accounted for 62% of HIV infections among transgender women with HIV living in seven major U.S. cities.” (I need Black women to  remember this statistic when liberals try to shame us into categorizing Black  men who date trans women as regular heterosexual men)

“FOR BLACK WOMEN, 91% of new HIV infections were attributed to heterosexual contact.” (Almost all Black women who are diagnosed with HIV catch it from regular unsuspecting sex with Black men)

 Link to article:

I need Black women to understand that HIV is not a joke. Despite how commercials portray the disease, AIDS is still deadly. These same GBTQ+ Black males are attempting to get laws passed so that they do not have to inform their sexual partners of their current HIV status, and it is liberals allowing these males to portray themselves as victims of a discriminatory system. Black men’s hypersexual behavior mixed with their tendency to participate in sexual activity with other males on the down-low is what is causing many innocent Black women to be diagnosed with HIV at unusually high rates compared to other races of women. Then, these same bisexual Black males get on social media and mock Black women for our unusually high HIV rates yet liberals claim not dating this particular demographic is bigoted. I find mocking Black women who have caught HIV from sexually irresponsible Black men to be bigoted. A couple of months ago, bisexual men on twitter wasted no time letting Black women know that they were just going to simply hide their sexuality in order to gain access to our bodies even though this violates consent, even though they are the cause of our HIV diagnoses, even though this is against the law. Still, liberals defended this predatory behavior because the demographic of men speaking identified with a marginalized group. I cannot stress enough how much liberals do not respect Black women and our womanhood. They would never in a million years let a bisexual man threaten a nonBlack woman with sexual assault. Never. If there is one thing Black women should take away from this blog post, it is that liberals are not on our side.

Contrary to popular belief, Black women are allowed to have dating preferences. These dating preferences can be as classist, racist, homophobic, and transphobic as we want them to be. There are too many people who think Black women are not worthy of holding these types of preferences which is why they get mad when we express them on social media. Liberals can start demanding Black women to date bisexual Black men once they start demanding white men to stop only dating blondes, ask Black men to stop dating nonBlack women while degrading Black women on public platforms, and ask Asian men to stop chasing after white women who statistically do not want them. Until then, Black women do not have to apologize for a damn thing about our dating rosters. I am embracing being an evil Black woman in 2024 and beyond, and I want other Black women to join me. This is my feminism. The time for Black women to stop letting liberals guilt trip them into being a potential HIV incubator was yesterday. Black women do not owe bisexual men, or any man for that matter, shit.


  1. Can you please come on other platforms like tik tok, instagram, etc I really like your takes. I used to be pro black and mammy for other races but ever since I discovered your twitter I changed. You can change so many other black woman if you start posting more of your views on other platforms, thank you

  2. I love this this is so true!! I wish you would have talked about have touched on the hypocrisy shown by liberals when it comes to topic of consent and coercion. Many white believe that coercive sex is rape, but they do not apply that mentality to his topic. They will gaslight, shame, belittle and harass black women into sleeping with gay (bisexual) men in order to please those men. It is super misogynoiristic and pick me. They also don't believe that black women and consent can be in the same sentence because they do not believe that we deserve bodily autonomy. They historically have seen our bodies as sacrifices and gifts to be men they want to appeal to.

  3. Cheers to being an evil black woman in 2024!! Especially once elections starts!

  4. In conclusion... Black women...STOP MAMMYING!

  5. Thank you for putting this into words. Ive always agreed with the sentiment but now i know how to phrase it.

  6. “ I’ve never once in my life seen a queer or gay person withhold that information and I’m very immersed in the lgbt+ community and have many friends who identify within that community.”

    You truly are a perfect example of solipsism. “Well, I’ve never encountered a queer or gay person withhold that information and I’m very immersed in the lgbt+ community—“ And so you choose to invalidate other peoples experience? There are plenty examples of such people withholding that sort of information, and there are many tragic stories from victims. There have been entire HIV/AIDS parties on HBCUs hosted by Black male members who pass the diseases around to each other. All of these men were either gay or bisexual (in addition to being on the “down low/DL”, and so they still fucked unassuming women who were under the impression that the men were straight), but of course you’d think that your experience is the only valid or true one. You truly are so self-centered that you’d exalt your own BELIEFS and misplace interpretation as the rule that you’d invalidate anyone who also has personal experience or factual evidence to defend your stance on this topic.

    If you can’t stand the heat, get the fuck out of the kitchen.

  7. People are well aware of the “straight” Black men (who are secretly fucking or getting fucked by other men and pretending to be straight when they fuck women who aren’t aware of their sexual behavior) who infect women, however, statistically speaking, they are noted to have high sexual activity with other men when they aren’t going around fucking numerous women like they’re rabbits.

    The percentage of non-heterosexual Black men and HIV/AIDS has a direct correlation, and it’s proven in so many testimonies and the fact that Black men are more likely to be attracted to men (not limited to, but inclusive of bisexuality) than any other group of men.

    And while you’re at it, look up how many of the willingly fuck other men in prison (because they are incarcerated the most) and will fuck women once they get out, pretending like they didn’t screw men in prison. That’s also another reason why many Black women who like Black men get the diseases, so it’s not just your openly lgbt+ community members, but the “straight” prisoners, too.


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