
Showing posts from August, 2024

The Main Reasons Why People Hate Introverted Black Women

Do not let anyone gaslight you about the hatred spewed towards introverted Black women and girls. The hatred is real. However, I do not think simply tweeting “Society hates introverted Black women!” is a productive conversation. It is more beneficial to explain why introverted Black women are disliked than to keep repeating the same talking point over and over again. Below, I have listed the three main reasons why I think people detest introverted Black women. 1. Introverted Black women do not match the stereotypical image people hold of Black women.  In the media, Black women are portrayed as extroverts, more specifically, extroverts who love being sassy, loud, and bold. Where does that leave reserved introverted Black women? Well, it leaves us ostracized. Introverted Black women force people to reassess the misogynoiristic views they hold about Black women. Our introversion causes frustration among ignorant individuals because it makes them recognize our humanity, and that is not som

Black Women Do Not Owe Palestinians Anything

Examples of What Black Women Should Be Doing Instead of Protesting for Palestine Before I start, let me make one thing clear, I do not give a damn about Palestine. A conflict that has been going on in the Middle East for almost 100 years is not something that I, as a Black woman, should be losing my precious sleep over. The Middle East will never know peace because Middle Easterners do not want peace. It is as simple as that. Furthermore, it is time for Black women to return the entitled energy people throw our way right back at them. The days of being the bigger person are over. Put down your capes, close your TikTok and Twitter apps, and go outside and smell the beautiful roses.  During vice president Kamala Harris’s recent presidential rally in Michigan, pro-Palestine protestors decided to interrupt Harris’ speech with chants. Let’s be honest, If Kamala Harris was not currently being portrayed as a Black woman in the media, these protestors would have never interrupted her rally. Ev