
Showing posts from March, 2023

High Fashion Models are a Feminist Statement

  I love high fashion models, and I love how much they piss everyone off. What many people fail to realize is that the main consumers of fashion are women. This is important for designers to remember, especially when it comes to marketing. You must market your product in a way that attracts loyal and paying customers. The fashion industry is a business first and foremost. You frequently hear men whine and complain about the “ugliness” (lack of sexiness) of high fashion models. This is not only ironic but proves that clothing brands have been successful in accomplishing what they sought out to do.    Models are not supposed to be attractive to men. They’re not even supposed to be attractive at all. They are supposed to repel a man’s gaze completely. Why? Because men will not be loyal paying customers! Men’s sexualization brings no profit, and in some cases, can decrease profit. This is female fashion we are talking about. This is not porn. Brands are not making female clothes for men to