Pretty Black Women are Not Eurocentric

About two weeks ago, “social justice” activists found a new Black woman to attack on Twitter. Anok Yai, an extremely popular South Sudanese model, was their target this time. I sat there and watched as multiple Black women accused this innocent girl of being undeserving of her wonderful modeling career. They claimed it was solely her “eurocentric features” that led to her being a successful woman in an industry known for being cutthroat. I could not help but be in complete and utter shock at the tweets I was reading. Black women, as a collective, seem to be lost. Why are we allowing white women to claim our beauty as belonging to them? Why do we self-sabotage ourselves when we finally get positive promotion in the media? This attack on Anok Yai was anything but in good faith. This was out of pure hatred for darkskin Black women who excel in an industry based on beauty. There is a malicious war on Black women’s image. There is a horrific agenda to claim that Black women and our bodies are inherently ugly, manly, or masculine. The saddest part about this entire discourse you ask? It is Black women themselves promoting this type of rhetoric. I am writing this blog post to empower Black women to claim their beauty with pride, but first, we need to establish one basic fact: there is no such thing as “Eurocentric features”.   

 There is also no such thing as “Afrocentric features”. Africa is a continent comprised of 54 countries and over 3,000 tribes that all have their own unique history and cultural practices. To try and simplify the African continent to “people with unusually large noses and unnaturally huge lips” is applying a eurocentric view to the continent itself. Disproportionate, asymmetrical features that do not fit well with a person’s face are not “Black features” nor inherent to Blackness. Any person of any race can have a nose too big or lips too small. Blackness does not begin or end with Jay-Z or Leslie Jones (who are both ironically mixed with European). The celebrities below all have lips too small or noses too big for their face. Why pretend like nonBlack people are the only ones capable of having small “feminine” features while Africans are the complete opposite? The only difference between white and Black people with disproportionate features is that most white people have the funds to remove their bulbous noses or acquire lip filler leading to the incorrect belief that the majoirty of them naturally have symmetrical or delicate features. 


Ironically, Anok Yai is not a genetic anomaly amongst her East African peers. There are entire countries in East Africa filled with beautiful women that look like her. This is what makes the “Eurocentric” debate about Anok’s beauty so hilarious. In all my twenty-three years of living, I have yet to see a white woman in real life who looks like Candice Swanepoel or Bella Hadid (who both have gotten plastic surgery). However, there seems to be a vested interest by multiple parties (liberal Black women, trans activists, white supremacists, and Black men) to keep Black women thinking that our default image is inherently ugly and that beautiful Black women are a rarity. We see this in American media when they pair above average white women next to homely Black women who have purposefully been made to look masculine or undesirable. These people seek to make us believe that beauty is unattainable for us. Beautiful women like Anok disrupt and destroy this narrative that certain Americans wish to promote. They cannot have Black women leaving the matrix and understanding our unique power. No other race of women looks like us or has the beautiful afro-textured hair that we do. We need to own our unique features and capitalize off it when necessary. Black women need to wake up! Our image, our identity, and our literal biology are being stolen from us and used for agendas most of us do not agree with. The time for Black women to stop being humble and own their beauty is now. Claim your womanhood and female beauty with such arrogance that even Zues himself is shocked. Do not let liberals, white supremacists, or misogynoiristic Black people tell you otherwise. 



I refuse to sit here and pretend that Black women have inherently masculine or ugly features to comfort or soothe the egos of Black women with low self-esteem or males who wish to live their lives superficially as women. If white women can pretend they all look like Angelina Jolie, then Black women can proudly brag about having button noses, almond eyes, or beautiful thick afro-textured hair. Fair is fair. This relatively new concept that Black women cannot have feminine facial features is a recent psyop being pushed by white liberals who want to violently tear Black women away from our biological sex class and liken us to trans-identified males for white queer political purposes. The insecurities trans-identified males have about their male sex characteristics is not my business nor any Black woman’s concern. Black women’s beauty and womanhood are not up for debate. Only females of African descent are allowed to determine what features, traits, or experiences are a part of Black womanhood. White women do not own being female. They do not have a monopoly on having common female secondary sex characteristics found in all races of women. Small noses, delicate features, or dainty bodies are not eurocentric features. They never have been and never will be. When liberal Black women claim that womanhood or beauty solely belongs to females of European descent, they validate white supremacy and allow it to infect the minds of impressionable little Black girls who are watching them spread this harmful rhetoric online. Black women need to stop downplaying their beauty to be diplomatic with insecure Black women. Do not let insecure Black women who spew white supremacist rhetoric online, for all demographics to see, convince you that praising and promoting the image of beautiful Black women is “immoral” or “eurocentric” while they sit there and allow white liberals to use our image for their degenerate eurocentric agendas that harm Black women and girls worldwide. These women have made it very clear that they will allow white supremacists, trans activists, and misogynoiristic Black men to use us as pawns in their sadistic games. Anyone who calls a beautiful Black woman “eurocentric” needs to be labeled exactly what they are: a disgusting white supremacist.
